Welcome to Class 5, Miss Coote is our Year 4/5 teacher.
If you would like to see what we have been learning, please click here.
Class 5 Information
Curriculum Overview – To see what Class 5 will be learning this term please see the document below.
Class 5 Parent Curriculum Overview Spring 1
Individual Targets – All children will be given curriculum targets for reading, writing and mathematics.
Reading – It is expected that the children bring their reading book into school on a daily basis along with their homework diary. These books should be brought into the classroom when they come to school in the morning and taken home daily. It is extremely important that our children are reading both at home and in school on a daily basis and then regularly complete the Accelerated Reader quiz for that book.
Spellings – This year we are beginning to use Spelling Shed for our spellings – please bear with us whilst we assess the children and get it up and running and working smoothly. Each child has been provided with a Spelling Shed login which they can use to login and practise the spellings that they have been assigned. The more the children practise their spellings in Spelling Shed the more points and rewards they earn. Spelling tests will take place on Tuesdays and the teacher and children will go through the spelling rules and strategies for learning their next set of spellings effectively on Wednesdays.
Times Table Rockstars – Learning the multiplication tables is very important and plays a huge part towards a child’s ability to learn and carry out more difficult mathematical concepts. All children are provided with a Times Tables Rockstars login and should use this regularly to practise and develop their times table knowledge. The more children practise, the better they get and the more rewards they earn.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check – This is a statutory assessment which is carried out in June and assesses Year 4 pupils’ Multiplication Tables knowledge. Please click on the link below to download the Information Booklet for Parents.
Information for Year 4 Parents Multiplication Tables Check 2025
Homework – Homework tasks will be assigned on Friday and should be completed in their homework book any time up until the following Wednesday. The homework that the children receive is to reinforce/consolidate the work already covered in class. At times additional homework may cover other subjects of the curriculum, for example Science, History, Computing, Art or Geography. Homework may also take the form of practising skills using online games.
Parent Consultations – We offer an opportunity for parents to discuss pupil progress with their class teacher twice a year. Appointments are made via our Arbor communication system during the Autumn and Spring Terms which allow parents to indicate a preferred appointment time and date.
PE Bags/Days – PE days in Class 5 Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure pupils bring their PE bags to school at the beginning of each half term and leave it in school and that they include both outdoor and indoor PE kits, which they will then bring home every half term. *Please note: on PE days earrings must be removed for health and safety reasons and PE sessions will currently take place outdoors wherever possible. If for any reason your child is unable to take part in PE activities, please send a note to the class teacher. In the Autumn 2 and Spring 1 terms Year 5 will swim every Tuesday afternoon and will need to bring a swimming kit consisting of a one piece swim suit or trunks (not shorts), a towel and swimming hat which is essential. Goggles are permitted, but are not essential. Year 4 children will swim on Tuesday afternoon in the Spring 2 and Summer 1 terms.
Uniform – Please could you ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled. Any pieces of uniform that are found unnamed will be placed in the Key Stage 2 lost property box.
Water Bottles – The children should each bring in a water bottle to school. This should be cleaned and filled at home and taken home each day. Please ensure it is clearly named.
Newsletter – You should receive a weekly newsletter every Friday. Copies are emailed and also available to download from the School News section of the website.