Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.
Wolsingham Primary School offers a range of childcare provision which we have listed below:
30 Hours Free Childcare
We currently offer 30 Hours Free Childcare to parents who are eligible. Our places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in accessing this provision, please contact the School Office.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club runs from 8am until registration at a cost of £3.00 per pupil per day. A variety of activities are available to children and a breakfast menu including cereal, toast and drinks at an additional cost. Breakfast club is open to pupils from Reception class to Year 6 and can be accessed by pre-booking via the Arbor app or contacting the school office by the Friday of the week before.
After School Wrap Around Care
After school care is available to pupils in Reception to Year 6 at a cost of:
- £6.00 – between 3.30pm and 4.30pm
- £9.00 – between 3.30pm and 5.30pm
We currently require parents or carers to book children into After School Care via the Arbor app or by contacting the office by the Friday of the week before child care is required.
It is imperative that the school office is informed of any change to After School Care attendance to ensure all children are safe and accounted for.
Further Information
If you are interested in any of the wrap around care services we offer please contact the school to discuss your requirements with us.