Have a look at what we’ve been learning…
Rounders Festival
Class 6 participated in a Rounders Festival at Parkside. It was a busy morning with many matches. They impressed with their bowling and catching skills.
World Book Day 2023
We all decorated a potato as a book character – there were some great entries. The winner from each class won a prize. We also did a book swap in class and some of us came in costume.
Circuit training PE
This half term in PE, we have completed circuit training (pictured).
Each lesson in circuit training involved a carousel of 8 exercises, such as: shuttle run, double skip, squat punch, triceps dips, cross plank and slalom running.
“I found the cross plank easy after I’d practised it!” Ava
“I enjoyed all the different types of skipping.” Maisy
Scone Making D.T.
Class 6 have researched scones (including their origin and nutritional information), had a tasting session of different types and made their own scones. The purpose is to design, make and evaluate savoury scones for parents to eat at a coffee morning.
Visit to the Centre of Life
On Monday, Class 5 and 6 enjoyed a trip to the Centre of Life. They had a brilliant time exploring the different exhibitions with a focus on learning more about Space. They enjoyed a planetarium visit and a theatre show where they saw experiments involving different light. The classes were even brave enough to venture on the ice rink! It was a lovely day and both classes returned with plenty of facts to help them in their lessons. Thank you to the parents who supported us on the trip. Our class has been busy writing up their own recounts of the trip.
Nursery Rhyme Week
Science – Exercise Investigation
Class 6 have developed their own investigations into exercise and then applied their knowledge of the cardiovascular system to explaining their results. In this unit, we have learned about many different systems of the body and also about how to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Class 6 have started gymnastics lessons with their coach. In our first lesson, we practised a variety of movements and rolls. This half term, we will aim to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance by choosing effective linking moves to create sequences.
Weardale Railway
Class 6 were lucky enough to have a trip on the Weardale Heritage Railway on a 1950s train. We were accompanied by the local PCSOs, Jamie and Cameron, who discussed rail safety with the children. The class also completed a task set by Durham Wildlife Trust – identifying a buzzard and a jackdaw while en route from Wolsingham to Stanhope.
Class 6 Assembly
Class 6 were delighted to deliver the first class assembly to parents in school for quite some time. The children taught parents about three grammar topics and then tested them to make sure they had been listening – they had!
Class 6 have visited Killhope Lead Mining Museum this week as part of their study of local history and geography. We went underground into the mine to experience what the working conditions would have been like. We found out about the underground water wheel, experienced absolute darkness and heard a fascinating story about a miner who survived, after being trapped underground for days. We also had a go at the jobs that Victorian children would have experienced on the washing floor. Finally, we completed a nature-themed print making workshop.
Handball Festival
Class 6 attended a handball festival at Parkside. The aim of this fast paced game is to pass the ball and shoot into the goal but you are only allowed 3 steps and 3 seconds with the ball. Class 6 entered three teams, competing in an “A” league and a “B” league. The team in the “A” league won 5 out of 5 matches (the final game was a close contest, as it finished 5-4 with the winner scored seconds before the final whistle). It was a great competition for Wolsingham as one of our teams triumphed overall in the “B” league too. Well done Class 6!