We strongly support the use of school uniform and expect every child to wear uniform in school and when visiting other places at all times of the year.
Wolsingham Primary School Uniform consists of:
Essential items are:
- Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan
- White polo shirt or shirt
- Grey or black school trousers (not leggings), short school trousers or skirt
- Gingham checked summer dresses (preferably red and white)
- Black Shoes
- PE kit: Plain T-shirt (white or house team colour), shorts (preferably black or navy), plain black or navy tracksuit or jogging bottoms (for winter use ONLY), trainers or sandshoes (indoor use)
Uniform with the school logo can be ordered online at cost price from the link below, however it is not essential that uniform has our logo. PE kit, PE bag, book bags, back packs, document cases, reversible jacket, storm proof coats and knitted hats are also available. Suitable uniform can be sourced at most local supermarkets.
Y6, Y5, Y4 and Y3 swim every week for a term and will require a swimming kit consisting of:
- One piece swim suit or trunks (not shorts)
All children require a swimming cap. Goggles are permitted, but are not essential.
Please make sure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name to aid identification.
How To Order
School uniform is available to order online from Emblematic or by calling in to the school office.
Our School Uniform Policy can be found in the School Policies section of our website.