Purpose of Funding
Schools have to spend their School Sports Grant funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Possible uses for funding include, but are not limited to:
- Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside classroom teachers when delivering PE.
- New or additional Change 4 Life sports and activity clubs.
- Paying for staff professional development opportunities in PE/sport
- Paying for cover for staff to take part in professional development opportunities linked to PE/sport.
- Running sporting competitions or increasing participation in the School Games.
- Providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs or holiday clubs.
- Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport.
- Purchasing equipment to enhance provision in PE / sport.
At Wolsingham Primary School, we strive to promote healthy and active lifestyles and aim to provide sporting opportunities for all our pupils.
In 2024,
- 96% of Year 6 children could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 96% of Year 6 children could use a range of strokes effectively
- 96% of Year 6 children could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Summer/Autumn/Spring 2024/25
Allocated funding = £17,417
Key Indicator 1: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport | Percentage of total allocation: 20.2% | |||
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: | Actions to achieve: | Funding allocated: | Evidence and impact: | Sustainability and suggested next steps: |
Ensure staff have necessary training to deliver the curriculum effectively. | PE Support /team teach - 2 hours per week to support teachers in developing skills in areas identified as requiring development. Staff to feel more confident deliver all aspects of the PE curriculum. Cluster CPD x 6 twilight sessions | £2,028 £600 | ||
To replenish PE equipment to enable whole class teaching. | PE resources e.g. balls | £900 |
Key Indicator 2: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity | Percentage of total allocation: 1.5% | |||
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: | Actions to achieve: | Funding allocated: | Evidence and impact: | Sustainability and suggested next steps: |
Continuation of Daily Mile for ALL children in school, including all EYFS children. | Development of events to encourage daily mile. | £0 | ||
Playground Leader training for Y6. | 10 week programme to coach Year 5 pupils before they move into Year 6 to become playground leaders to organise and run playground activities. | £260 |
Key Indicator 3: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement | Percentage of total allocation: 12.8% | |||
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: | Actions to achieve: | Funding allocated: | Evidence and Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps: |
Continue to ensure as many classes / pupils access organised festivals and competitions as possible. | Education Enterprise SLA including 9 festivals across all year groups and 8 competitions leading to county finals. PE Lead to produce a register of attendance at competitions and festivals ensuring a greater number of children have the opportunity to participate. | £1,525 | ||
Continue to develop intra-house sporting events. | Half termly sporting events incorporating a range of sports adding to Colour Team competition. | £0 | ||
To raise the profile of sport for all pupils through the 2024 Olympics. | Olympic Workshop Experience – Rec – Y6 | £697 |
Key Indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils | Percentage of total allocation: 25.5% | |||
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: | Actions to achieve: | Funding allocated: | Evidence and impact: | Sustainability and suggested next steps: |
To provide opportunity for EYFS children to develop early bike riding skills. | Balance Ability Workshop | £500 | ||
To provide further opportunity for Year 4 pupils to develop OAA skills. | OAA festival | £200 | ||
After School Club subsidy – club changes per half term and for different year groups. | £32 per session x 3 sessions per week | £3,744 |
Key Indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport | Percentage of total allocation: 39.9% | |||
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: | Actions to achieve: | Funding allocated: | Evidence and impact: | Sustainability and suggested next steps: |
Funding of fees for CVL leagues | School to participate in local CVL events – Y5/6 Football, Y5/6 Dodgeball, Y5/6 Tag Rugby, Y5/6 Cricket | £660 | ||
Funding of transport to allow as many children as possible to attend as many different sports competitions as possible. | Attend most competitions provided through School Games and local organisations. PE Lead to monitor attendance and provide opportunity, where possible, for more than 1 team to represent the school. | £6,300 (2 School Games, 9 festivals/ 8 competitions in the year @ £300 per bus and x2 finals buses @ £300 each) |