We have a Designated Teacher for Looked after Children (Mrs Kitching) who works closely with the SENCO to ensure all teachers in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEN.
Children with additional needs, such as SEND or ‘Looked After’ Children are closely monitored and supported throughout their time at our school. Our SENCO regularly reviews the provision and achievements for our children with SEND to ensure the best outcomes for children and families. Supporting families is a specific part of this role and the role of all staff at all levels; we see supporting children through supporting families as a vital part of ensuring quality provision.
Children who are ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority (in care) are monitored and supported by the head teacher. Provision, additional resources and teaching and outcomes are reassessed regularly to ensure that these vulnerable children are both happy and making good progress. The head teacher also liaises with Social Services and attends all ‘Looked After Reviews.’