Sporting Aims
The school provides a range of sporting activities both inside and outside the curriculum.
Activities within P.E. and Games Lessons include:
- Games skills and team games
- Gymnastics, both floor and apparatus work
- Dance
- Outdoor activities – including outdoor adventurous residential visits for Y6 children.
- Swimming
- Football
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Tag Rugby
Outside the curriculum children are involved in a range of inter and intra-school sporting competitions via our School Sports Cluster Partnership that is run with support from Durham Local Authority.
Volunteers sometimes assist school staff with the running of these sporting activities and transporting children to and from events and the school is most grateful for this support.
We regularly invite outside specialists into school to help in training our children in sports such as rugby, football, gymnastics, dance, tennis and cricket.
Every year we hold a school Sports Day providing an opportunity for children to participate in a range of activities with an emphasis on participation and enjoyment with an element of competition.
Sport Premium Grant
Wolsingham Primary School receive a Sports Premium Grant which is used to fund sporting activities and new equipment. We have provided a breakdown of how this grant has been used and the impact to the school in our Premium Allocations section of our website.