Use of Pupil Premium in 2016/17
The Government has decided that eligibility for the Pupil Premium in 2014-15 will be extended to pupils who have been subject to a residency order or been adopted after being in care since 2005.
Funds were allocated to facilitate access to education and the curriculum, provide additional teaching and learning opportunities and additional support and intervention. Our aim is to narrow the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
As a school we were allocated £30,360 for the financial year 2016/17, which will be allocated in three instalments across the academic year – April 2016, October 2016 and February 2017. The funding was allocated to the following key areas:
Focused Intervention and Support: £20,242
School Leadership and Governors identified the continued need for greater focused intervention for academic areas particularly writing and maths. From September 2016, funding was directed towards the use of teaching assistants to support disadvantaged pupils in classes across the school to support in class, as well as deliver small group and 1 to 1 direct teaching. This intervention package is tailored to pupil need across the whole school and will be monitored on a half termly basis in standard and achievement review meetings.
Educational Opportunities and Visits: £6,806
As part of our ongoing curriculum organisation, we frequently offer curriculum support, enrichment and extension activities to all pupils. Some activities take place within school where experts, consultants or visiting specialists e.g. Adam Bushnell Author/Storyteller and ScoutEd. outdoor learning come into school and work with pupils. Other activities take the form of educational visits, including residential opportunities for Key Stage 2 children eg. Robinwood Activity Centre in Year 6 and Grinton Lodge in Year 5. Each year group will experience at least one in school enrichment opportunity or educational visit every half term. These opportunities are often supported by parental donations towards entry fees, accommodation or subsistence costs, however for disadvantaged pupils a school contribution is often allocated to reduce the overall cost for these pupils. Where disadvantaged pupils choose to learn a musical instrument or take part in extra-curricular activities, this tuition is also subsidised from Pupil Premium funding.
Educational Resources: £3,312
To support pupils in basic skills we have purchased specific resources which are differentiated to support pupils’ needs. These include Read, Write Inc. Spelling resources, Mathletics, Accelerated Reader and Speech and Language link. Staff have received training and pupils assessed to ascertain specific individual targets. These resources are used within our individual and small group sessions to consolidate and extend pupils’ basic skills.