Terms of Reference:
- Elect Chair (if delegated by full Governing Body).
- Establish, review and monitor the Health and Safety Policy ensuring that the school meets health and safety requirements.
- Ensure actions are taken in respect of relevant health and safety legislation.
- Ensure that premises and the learning environment are maintained and are fit for purpose.
- Provide support and guidance for the Headteacher and Governing Body on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including health and safety.
- Ensure that an annual inspection of the premises and grounds is undertaken and a report received identifying any issues. Inform the Governing Body of the report and set out a proposed order of priorities for maintenance and development for the approval of the Governing Body.
- Ensure professional surveys and emergency works are arranged as necessary.
- Oversee the use of premises by outside users.
- Establish and keep under review an Accessibility Plan and an Asset Management/Building Development Plan.
- Monitor data on accidents and incidents.
Meetings: At least termly
Quorum: 3
Disqualifications: Where there may be a conflict of or a pecuniary interest