Terms of Reference
Strategic Leadership and Accountability:
- In collaboration with school leaders determine a clear and explicit vision for the future. Ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation.
- Set strong and clear values and ensure these are embedded across the organisation and adhered to.
- Determine the strategic direction for the school.
- Monitor and evaluate pupil progress and attainment by receiving reports and information from the Headteacher and other school leaders; compare against national and local benchmarks over time.
- Receive reports from committees, working parties or individuals and agree actions.
- Approve the SEF and monitor throughout the year.
- Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions.
- Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management of all staff which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities. Have oversight of staff performance throughout the year.
- Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employers.
- Agree recruitment process to be followed in relation to Senior Leader posts; where delegated ratify appointments.
- Final approval of the annual budget plan.
- Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year.
- Agree virement and expenditure limits for the Headteacher.
- Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year. Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms of reference.
People and Structures:
- Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governors.
- Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.
- Consider and agree delegation of functions to individuals or committees.
- Agree committee terms of reference and membership.
- Establish a register of Governors business interests.
- Ensure Governors information on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) register and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.
- Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments.
- Appoint Co-opted, Local Authority and where necessary Parent Governors to the Board.
- Review and monitor the Governor Induction Process.
- Have regard for Governors professional development.
- Where necessary, suspend or remove Governors from the Board.
- Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Body.
Compliance and Evaluation:
- Consider business provided by Local Authority and other sources
- Suspend or end suspension of staff members.
- Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle.
- Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.
- Confirm arrangements for completion of a Governor Skills Audit.
- Ensure there is regular self-evaluation and review of individual’s contribution to the Board as well as the Board’s overall operation and effectiveness.
- As necessary, consider an external review of the Board’s effectiveness.
- Ensure school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements
Meetings: Termly
Quorum: 6
Disqualifications: where there may be a conflict of interest