We follow the RE curriculum guidance given by Durham County Council Local Authority, who have designed a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds upon previous knowledge progressively. Children will have opportunities throughout their school life to visit local churches and events at other places of worship, which will enhance their cultural knowledge.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, the children are taught through the three elements of RE: knowledge and understanding of religion, critical thinking and personal reflection. At Key Stage 1, the children are introduced to the beliefs and features of Christianity and Buddhism. In Key Stage 2, the children develop their knowledge of Christianity and are introduced to the features of Hinduism, Judaism and Islam. They are also taught about other thematic concepts such as why people use ritual in their lives, how and why religious people show care for others and how those with a religious faith care for the environment. Long term plans ensure there is progression throughout the school and that the children build upon knowledge gained and skills developed in previous years.
Please click on the link below to see our more detailed Religious Education Curriculum.