The impact of our PE is that all pupils are fit and active. They are aware of their bodies and understand the importance of looking after it.
All staff will develop a deeper knowledge of the ability levels of their class. CPD sessions and working alongside specialist coaches will increase staff confidence in delivering sessions and supporting pupils.
Pupils will have a broad skill base which they can draw upon in different sporting situations to increase confidence and performance. Pupils with lower ability will continue to make progress due to the extra adult and peer support they will receive in lessons. Pupils with higher levels of ability will be highlighted to extend and challenge themselves through competitive sport, as well as supporting others within their class under the guidance of the teacher.
Pupils talk actively about sport and the opportunities they receive. They are keen to try new sports and challenges. They strive to achieve their best and enjoy their own personal triumphs in a variety of sports. Pupils find a love of sport and physical activity which continues beyond primary school and in to their lives outside of school.